Terms and conditions

General terms and conditions

General terms apply when visiting and using of this site and other services we provide. Read the general terms and conditions carefully before you visit the site and/or use our services.
If there are any points in our general terms that you cannot accept or if you have problems with reading these general terms, you should leave this website immediately. This or future visit to this site and/or use of our services means that you fully and unreservedly accept these general terms.
If you want to use svenskflirtmatch.com then you require registration where the user makes use of a personal   password.

Article 1: Definitions

1.1. PAS. O.I. FOP (Org. number 261400011); a company with limited responsibility which will hereafter be regarded as operator, owner and manager of these, also referred to below as "operator". The information about the company can be provided on request via our contact form.
1.2 Account: The account the user has created, which allows the user to access the member database
1.3 Content: The actual content of this site that may include films, pictures, texts, profiles etc.
1.4 Coin: The virtual currency of the member database, which the user receives in accordance with the provisions of Article 7. The user uses coin to send messages and content.
1.5 IP Rights: All material rights, such as copyright, trademark rights, database rights and related rights, and auxiliary rights such as knowledge and performances in line with such rights.
1.6 Logging: Data storage using digital events or events that occurred previously on svenskflirtmatch.com.
1.7 Messages: The digital, shielded communication that the user can exchange with other users of the site and visible to the user in his account.
1.8 Profile: The set of personal attributes and preferences that a participant has given consent to make visible to other participants.
1.9 Service: The service provided by the operator to make a platform available for sending and receiving messages and other content to and from other users.
1.10 User: The person who visits this website and/or uses the services or products as provided by the operator, also referred to as "you" or "your".
1.11 Website: A medium for presenting information via the Internet.

Article 2: Scope of these Terms of Use

2.1 These terms and conditions apply to the operator and to the user.
2.2 These Terms apply to the users of svenskflirtmatch.com.
2.3 The order of applicability: These general terms, unless stated otherwise by laws and regulations, as far as they have not yet been incorporated into local law, are mandatory.
2.4 Should any condition of these Terms possibly be annulled, the other conditions shall remain in force. The canceled condition must be converted to a valid one that reflects the original intention as close as possible.

Article 3: Content and usage of svenskflirtmatch.com

3.1. svenskflirtmatch.com aims to let users chat with other users. svenskflirtmatch.com is the platform where users can communicate with each other and is a passive connection through the electronic publication and dissemination of profile and other information.
3.2. Use of svenskflirtmatch.com and services offered through svenskflirtmatch.com are open to people who have reached a minimum of 18 years. If you have not yet reached at least 18 years of age, or the user of the offer the website or services are located in a geographical area where access to the website or the use of offered services is not allowed, you must terminate your visit on svenskflirtmatch.com immediately.
3.3. The user can create a profile by completing the registration process. When you finish the registration process, the user must provide current and complete information. User makes certain that changes in this information are immediately forwarded to svenskflirtmatch.com or changed by users on their own pages of svenskflirtmatch.com if necessary. When you complete the registration process, you issue svenskflirtmatch.com a license to use intangible rights to the content that the user has received in svenskflirtmatch.com. This license specifically includes right for svenskflirtmatch.com to duplicate, view, modify, translate, scan content related to profiles.
3.4. The user is prohibited from creating an account for other parties, transfer an account and/or allow others to use the account. If the information on the user for some reason no longer is correct or complete, the user must change the data to have them updated again. If the user provides inaccurate or incomplete personal information and whose operator states that the specified information is incorrect or incomplete, the operator may terminate or disable account.
3.5. The user is fully responsible for keeping their username and password secret. In case of suspected abuse of the account, the user will immediately inform the operator.
3.6. Operator can never be held responsible for the use or improper use of the account.
3.7. Getting unauthorized access to svenskflirtmatch.com is a criminal offense. If there is suspicion of abuse, the operator will report suspicious abuse immediately.
3.8. It is not permitted to copy, duplicate or otherwise use related content of profiles other than for the use of the services for personal purposes and private purposes.
3.9. Commenting or distributing content that infringes the rights of others is not permitted. Nor is it allowed to publish content that is of a defamatory, offensive, obscene, hurtful or violent nature, or that can provoke political racism or violence. Usually it is not allowed to post content that violates the objectives of svenskflirtmatch.com or rules or standards of decency with applicable laws.
3.10. It is not permitted to use svenskflirtmatch.com in any way for illegal purposes acts, commits criminal offenses and/or acts that violate generally current standards and values. This includes the following measures: infringement of intangible assets rights of third parties (including, but not limited to: copyright, trademark rights, rights under EU directive 96/9 on the legal protection of databases, patent rights, portrait rights or model rights); theft; the illegal and/or criminal distribution of secret or confidential information; the illegal or criminal distribution of texts and/or visual and audio material, including racist utterances, (child pornography), pornography, marketing of drug abuse, prostitution or (other) illegal activities, criminal data traffic, insulting expression and so-called. 'Mail bombs'; Computer hacking via the website; destroy, damage or rendering useless of systems or automated works and software to wander; spreads viruses or otherwise intends to interfere with communication or data storage; provides access via fake keys, fake codes and false capabilities.
3.11. You can not use personal information from third parties that you have via svenskflirtmatch.com, for any purpose, including the transfer of this information to third parties or to send email to people with data you use via svenskflirtmatch.com. You declare that you will not distribute "spam", "chain mail", "mail" or bulk distribution by email to users or past users.
3.12. It is not allowed to publish photos of people other than yourself on svenskflirtmatch.com. svenskflirtmatch.com reserves the right to refuse, modify or delete images, animations or other pictures.
3.13. It is not permitted to directly or indirectly include contact information such as telephone numbers, street addresses, surname, URLs, email addresses or other personally identifiable information or to make inquiries about getting contact details in your profile or on visual material. svenskflirtmatch.com reserves the right to refuse, modify or delete profiles or parts of profiles.

Article 4: Responsibility

4.1. Operator uses all efforts to make svenskflirtmatch.com available uninterrupted and secure it with all reasonable means.
4.2 The user can, operator can not be held responsible in any way to interfere with work, problems, interventions, changes or limitations in functionality or other conditions which affects the availability of svenskflirtmatch.com or other services of the operator.
4.3 If you believe that your work has been copied in a manner that infringes copyright or if intellectual property rights have otherwise been violated, we ask that you contact us directly.
4.4. Operator is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the profiles. The content that reflects the users perceptions of profiles, ads or contributions may have entertainment as a goal. We are under no circumstances responsible for direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of svenskflirtmatch.com. We refuse to take respons to the extent permitted by law, regardless of the nature of the action.

Article 5: Content

5.1 The content of external links that can be placed in our network is not controlled by us. The respective vendor is responsible for the content of svenskflirtmatch.com which is compiled with utmost care. Operator is not responsible for the correctness, completeness and the timeliness of the information made available on eternal links. Physical contacts between the user and the profiles are not possible in all circumstances, we are not responsible for anyone directly or indirect damage caused by the use of svenskflirtmatch.com, and then operator denies any responsibility to the extent allowed by law, regardless of the nature of the action.
5.2. svenskflirtmatch.com has entertainment as its goal, it is explicitly not the purpose of svenskflirtmatch.com to establish dates or personal meetings. All profiles are created for the purpose of entertainment. Physical contact with these is not possible.
5.3. The operator explicitly reserves the right to send messages to users of svenskflirtmatch.com through self-created profiles. These are fiction profiles that are not possible to arrange physical meetings with.
5.4. Operator is not responsible for profiles that break the law. Operator has no funds to permanently check the contents of profiles. If a user suspects a violation of the law, operator must be notified immediately. Operator will then take all possible measures to prevent this from repeating itself and remove any statements on the website if necessary.
5.5. Operator uses third-party websites to send visitors to their site. These third parties responsible for placing these hyperlinks are themselves responsible for the content of the site and for how this third party sends the user to svenskflirtmatch.com using hyperlinks.
5.6. The user allows the operator a license (permission) for the use of intellectual property rights on the content the user has stated. This license specifically includes the right operator to copy, view, modify, translate, scan, use for publicity purposes, either are commercial or non-commercial, sublicense or transfer content related for profiles (information, photos, video images, descriptions, search criteria, etc.).

Article 6: Privacy, Personal Data and Usage Control

6.1. Operator gives the utmost attention to the protection of personal information users of svenskflirtmatch.com. For more information, see the privacy statement on svenskflirtmatch.com.
6.2 During the visit to svenskflirtmatch.com and/or use of the services, the information is being logged. This information is needed to use svenskflirtmatch.com and optimize/improve svenskflirtmatch.com and/or other services from the operator. This information can also be used to track errors and/or violations of these terms and conditions, legal provisions or other circumstances that the operator considers necessary.
6.3. Operator gives the utmost attention to the protection of this information, and will never share this information with third parties.
6.4 In the event of breach of the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions, actions in the conflict with the law and/or in the case of fraud, user account will be locked with immediate effect and without prior notice. Membership will be terminated. In this case, the purchased balance will be immediately and irrevocably canceled. The costs associated with tracking abuse or fraud may be recovered from the user. Operator reserves right to recover from all damages incurred and legal and non-legal costs incurred by the user.

Article 7: Prices and Payment

7.1 The user shall pay the due for the service through bank transfer or credit card payment. The prices shown are always including VAT and other public taxes. In some cases, the customer can be deducted a maximum of 3% extra due to currency conversion.
7.2 In the event of a dispute, the transaction data possessed by the operator is decisive for the determination of payment information, unless the customer proves that this information is incorrect.
7.3 Coins purchased by the user have a limited period of validity as they expire if a user is idle for more than 90 days on svenskflirtmatch.com, and then the account of the user will be deleted. When you delete the account, all data including messages, favorites and remaining coins permanently will be removed from the system. The user can then no longer claim any remaining coins.
7.4 If the user removes his account, the user also removes the possible remaining coins. The customer can no longer claim any remaining credit at that time.
7.5 Coins that have been issued by the operator during a (technical) error will be non-refundable. In case of a (technical) fault with the user, the user can make one written request for refund of coins issued as a result of this error. Refunds will not be detained on an unreasonable basis in such a case.
7.6. The user agrees that the agreement to provide coins by the operator will be fulfilled immediately after user finishes payment.
7.7. If the user makes a credit card refund without a valid reason, any additional charges associated with this chargeback will be charged to the user.
7.8. After registration, the user gets 1 coin to test out the behavior of the Service. The user acknowledges that svenskflirtmatch.com has given the user sufficient mitigation to become familiar with the service. Thus, will svenskflirtmatch.com normally not refund purchased coins. Under certain circumstances svenskflirtmatch.com can issue a coin refund, in this case the user must incur the actual transfer costs. User must contact via our contact form. See article 8.1.

Article 8: Refund period

8.1 Operator offers digital services that are entitled to refund within 14 days. If the user has used the purchased services within these 14 days (the first day is dated as the day the purchase was made), the right to refund will be annulled.
To exercise the right of repayment, you must send us a clear statement (for example by email) to inform us o decision to recover the amount.
You can use our contact form, but you are not obliged to do so. To get the money back, it is sufficient that you state your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period (14 days) has expired. As a consequence of the cancellation if you cancel the contract, you will receive all payments you have made up to date, including delivery costs (except any additional costs resulting from your choice for a different delivery method than the cheapest standard such as offered by us). We will pay you back with the same payment method that you made the original transaction unless other terms have been agreed upon.

Article 9: Complaint handling

9.1 The operator must handle all complaints about the use or quality of the site or complaints from others   categories.
9.2 The user must complain in writing by sending an e-mail via our contact form.
9.3. Operator must attempt to resolve the complaint within 10 working days. Operator will inform the user in writing in email messages.

Article 10 User Disputes

10.1 svenskflirtmatch.com is not involved in the communication between users. In case you have one disagreement with another user, you hereby release svenskflirtmatch.com from all claims, claims for damages and damage (direct or indirect) in any form or manner, known and unknown, suspected and not suspected, disclosed or not disclosed as a result of or associated with such matters.

Article 11: Intellectual Property

11.1 All intellectual property rights and all similar rights in all services, products and information provided on svenskflirtmatch.com belongs exclusively to the operator or its licensors.
11.2 No part of svenskflirtmatch.com can be reproduced without written permission from the operator. Intellectual property rights to all texts, images, sounds and software for svenskflirtmatch.com belongs to the operator or its licensors.
11.3 Should the operator be notified of (allegedly) infringing material or (allegedly) infringing links on the site, operator has the right, but not the duty, to remove this the content or links immediately.

Article 12: Changes in price and general terms

12.1. Operator has the right to change the services and prices published on the site, at any time, thereby adjusting the terms of these terms and conditions to update them or complete them. It is user's personal responsibility to consider these terms and the conditions regularly. If the user continues to use svenskflirtmatch.com after applied changes, then the user agree to accept these changes.
12.2. Operator denies any responsibility for adverse consequences that may arise as result of changes made to the contents of svenskflirtmatch.com or the terms and conditions.

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